We Build and Maintain Playgrounds and Open Playspaces in Tanzania

Our team converts open lands and farms into an environment where play can take place. We locate and acquire land to build playgrounds and playspaces. Building with local, durable & readily-available materials, we use our creativity to build fun, innovative and educational playgrounds for young children living in rural Tanzania. Below are some of our projects in playgrounds and open play spaces for children

Chui Daycare & Learning Centre Playground

Swings & slides are some of children's favorite equips. They usually spend more time swinging, climbing and sliding into the sand bank at our playground in Chui Daycare in Kinyangiri village.

Under the shade, children learn to use our games in turn. Here two children are waiting for their turn to play with the  seesaw at Chui Daycare. The shade is provided by guava, orange and cashew trees in the playground.

Mnolo Playground and Open Playspace

Our seesaws are fitted with used car tires that provides safety and offering smooth bouncing mechanism. The up and down bounces of the bar is always fascinating to children. Also, children can learn and engage in number counting game as the bounce of the seesaws at Mnolo Playground.

A normal busy day at the playground in Mnolo. Here children come daily and play with the swings, seesaws, climber, platform and sliding games. The playground's floor is covered with a thick layer of sand that offers comfort on feet as well as safety to children while playing.

Ishenga Playground and Open Play Space

The playground in Ishenga village is in the remote place but with many children living nearby. Therefore, we decided to build a playground at the open playspace provided by the local community.  The playground was build with the help of local residents and parents of the children. 

Seesaw installation is the process that always requires attention to details. With careful digging and sizing the depth of holes depth, the installation will offer safety and optimum performance of the seesaw to children.